[Zope] HELP: downloading file from netscape/old IE can froze zope
Gilles lavaux
Gilles lavaux" <gilles.lavaux@esrin.esa.it
Thu, 28 Oct 1999 14:55:47 +0200
Martin wrote:
>What content-type is returned for the PNG images? If they are stored as
>File or Image objects, you can see this on the Edit tab. If it doesn't say
>'image/png' then this is your problem.
The .png is stored as 'application/octet-stream', but I am not really
concerned about what do the browser : I also store .exe .class .xml .zip
etc.., everything. In almost all cases I am perfectly happy that the files
are downloaded from zope to the computer. What I find not acceptable is that
if the transfer doesn't complete for some reason, Zope froze. Like in my
exemple with the cancel case:
-You cancel the transfer, You close the browser. Zope is still unreacheable,
and will never respond again.
I HAVE to find a solution to this, by putting a timeout somewhere in the
Http module or something else. I will try the python httpserver alone, to
see if he is the responsible. If it's not him, it's some zope1_10_3
component, or I am wrong??.
My last solution is to have a watch-dog which comunicate with Zope every n
sec, then kill it/restart it if it doesn't reply. But it's a ugly solution.
Gilles Lavaux
>>I have just discovered a very nasty problem with Zope and all my versions
>>netscape(up to 4.6), and with the old verions of IE:
>>- I put .PNG pictures in a folder.Clicking on thoses file open the 'save
>>dislog box (I don't know why the extension is not recognized), if people
>>press the cancel button at this time, Zope is frossen. The only thing to
>>is to kill the zope process and restart it.
>>It's working fine with IE5.
>What content-type is returned for the PNG images? If they are stored as
>File or Image objects, you can see this on the Edit tab. If it doesn't say
>'image/png' then this is your problem. IE5 makes it's own decisions on the
>content-type based on the extension, while most other browsers (correctly)
>take the servers word for it.
>Martijn Pieters, Web Developer
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