[Zope] Zope Mailing List Software is hugely inconsistent!

Andreas Kostyrka andreas@mtg.co.at
Fri, 3 Sep 1999 18:14:15 +0200 (CEST)

On Fri, 3 Sep 1999, Jon S. Jaques wrote:

> Hi All,
> Does anybody know what list software Zope is using?!?!? The headers of
> messages that I receive from the list are SOOOoooo inconsistent that they
> have defied my filters again and again!
Well, try these:
:0 :
*^Sender: zope-dev-admin@zope.org

:0 :
*^Sender: zope-admin@zope.org

Works like a charm here. Perhaps you ought to upgrade your mailer to
something sensible. Perhaps you even ought to upgrade your operating
environment to something sensible ;)

> If there's a moderator listening out there, please, do anything you can to
> rectify this! As I am subscribed to *several* high-volume lists, it's a
> serious problem when messages from the list continually land in my Inbox,
> along with my business-related email.
*lol* You are using a mailer where you cannot really configure the
filtering for business? (Because either this is not possible, or it's not
userfriendly enough for you to do it, right? *lol*)

Much fun outlooking ;)

Andreas Kostyrka                     | andreas@mtg.co.at
phone: +43/1/7070750                 | phone: +43/676/4091256   
MTG Handelsges.m.b.H.                | fax:   +43/1/7065299
Raiffeisenstr. 16/9                  | 2320 Zwoelfaxing AUSTRIA