[Zope] string crisis....

Martijn Pieters mj@antraciet.nl
Wed, 08 Sep 1999 16:26:38 +0200

At 16:04 08/09/99 , Arnaud Lecat wrote:
>How come that a simple test <dtml-if "mydocid==id">blah blah</dtml-if>
>isn't true
>whereas the values seem to be the same (mydocid and id seems to contain
>the same
>Twiglight zone ?

Sometimes id is a method, not a string. Try mydocid==_['id'].

The _['id'] does a namespace lookup, which includes a call to id if id is a 
method. This way it'll work wether or not id is a string.

Martijn Pieters, Web Developer
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