[Zope] Re: Getting roles as a list
Stuart Woolford
Thu, 9 Sep 1999 15:00:26 +1200
On Thu, 09 Sep 1999, Jason Spisak wrote:
> Stuart,
> I saw your posting on the list, and I was curious if you know how to get
> Zope to list the users for you.
> I have been trying to get a select list of Users with no success. I am
> unable to use the getUsers() method in a constructive way.
> Any tips would be appreciated.
> All my best,
> Jason Spisak
> webmaster@mtear.com
I use the following:
<dtml-with acl_users>
<form action=<dtml-var URL0> METHOD="get">
<table cellspacing=0 border>
<dtml-in getUsers>
<tr><th>User Name</th><th>User Level</th><th>Password</th><th>Delete</th></tr>
<td><dtml-var name></td>
<dtml-let theuser=sequence-item><td><select name="theroles:list">
<dtml-in "['none','restricted','readonly','update','system']">
<option value="<dtml-var sequence-item>"
<dtml-if expr="_['sequence-item'] in
<dtml-var sequence-item>
</dtml-in></select></td></dtml-let> <td><input type=password
name="thepass:list" value=<dtml-var "getPass(_['sequence-item'])">></td>
<td><input type="checkbox" name="delete:list" value=<dtml-var name>></td> </tr>
<input name=SUBMIT type="SUBMIT" value="Go">
This does a little moore than you are looking for, and there is more to this
form, but you get the idea? Only took me 3 days to guess it myself ;) Hope it
helps (and hope I've cut it out correctly, should work)
This trick is to acquire the acl_users from your parent folder, they you are
getting it's user list (NOT the base one, which you need to get
differently unless you are in the base directory)
Stuart Woolford, stuartw@newmail.net
Unix Consultant.
Software Developer.
Supra Club of New Zealand.