[Zope] Compressing the zope database and remote updates..

Martijn Pieters mj@antraciet.nl
Thu, 09 Sep 1999 13:45:25 +0200

At 13:07 09/09/99 , Stuart Woolford wrote:

>Well, firstly I must say that Zope 2.0.0 is so far proving itself a wonderful
>system, quite refreshing in its ability to create stunning results from a 
>bit of
>carefull work.
>One thing I would like to know, is there a method of 'compressing' the
>ZODB3 database (Data.fs from memory) - ie: making it forget all the old undo
>versions held internally, and reduce to the minimum required contents for the
>system as it currently is?

Yup, just got to the Control Panel, click Databsae Management, fill in an 
age of objects you want to keep and click 'Pack'

>Another idea I would love to see is a method of doing a minimum-content
>transfer from one system to another, ie: I have a running server (the main
>system) in one location, I have a slowish link to this, and run a copy of the
>zope system on my local devel machine to allow for fast changes. It would be
>great to be able to just transfer the minimum changes to the remove ZODB3
>database through a net link, rather than compress, transfer, and 
>uncompress the
>whole db.. I would think with all the versioning systems in place a process
>could be written to do this via the normal interfaces into the databases????

I believe that ZEO (Zope Enterprise Objects), a commercial product from 
Digital Creations does just such a thing. See Ken's email on the subject:

If you want a simple staging/production server setup, with only actual 
changes going over the line, you'll have to write something yourself.. We'd 
be eager to test your product. =)

Martijn Pieters, Web Developer
| Antraciet http://www.antraciet.nl
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