[Zope] <dtml-with> problem

Phillip J. Eby pje@telecommunity.com
Thu, 09 Sep 1999 07:10:31 -0500


<dtml-with issue><dtml-with 1998><dtml-with 01>

At 09:52 AM 9/9/99 +0200, Martijn Pieters wrote:
>At 19:42 08/09/99 , Tom Schwaller wrote:
>>hi all,
>>I have a folder hierarchy like:
>>            02
>>            03
>>where I use numbers for the folder names, which seems natural
>>here. When I want to acces this objects with
>><dtml-with "issue.1998.01">
>>I get the following error:
>>Expression (Python) Syntax error:
>>invalid syntax
>>, for tag <dtml-with "issue.1998.01">, on line 9 of ...