[Zope] ZODB vs. Gadfly vs. ???

chas panda@skinnyhippo.com
Fri, 10 Sep 1999 07:35:04 +0900

> * In essence, because of the ZODB architecture or my own ignorance
>   of how to do it better, I'm getting performance of less than 10
>   queries per second.  This is not acceptable.
>Also, I am having performance worries.  If the server chokes this fast
>with only a couple dozen items, I am concerned.  This server is
>normally capable of dishing out many thousands of documents a second,
>and even figuring worst-case here, (24 * 30), it's getting only 720
>(and those aren't even complete documents, just lookups).  Can someone
>help ease my mind on this one?

I haven't used the calendar product yet but whenever speed issues
like this crop up on the mysql list (eg "MS Access takes 0.1 secs,
mysql takes > 2 minutes") it is invariably due to one thing 
alone : indexes (or lack of them).  So, shooting in the dark here - 
check the indexes in your zcatalog instance.
