[Zope] Need ZCatalog help

Arnaud Lecat lecat@hexanet.fr
Fri, 10 Sep 1999 09:50:20 +0200

I think this could be a problem of path. In your search look at the FORM
declaration (which should be something like <form action="report"
and check out the path in the action properties

For instance I have a ZCatalog at top and a search/report duo in a folder
called search.
I propose a little search area which is always available on my sidebar (in
every levels of
my site) the form is the following

<form action="/search/report" method="get">
  <input name="mysearch" size="10" maxlength="255" value="<dtml-if
mysearch><dtml-var mysearch><dtml-else>Chercher...</dtml-if>" class="sidebar">


Hope this can help you :)

Tim Wilson wrote:

> On 9 Sep 1999, John Goerzen wrote:
> > I have made a ZCatalog up near the top of my tree named
> > EventsCatalog.  I have a method named getEventsByDate that now usses
> > this.  This method works fine if invoked directly, but if not, it
> > claims it can't find EventsCatalog -- even if both the method and the
> > caller are clearly below EventsCatalog in the tree, thus acquisition
> > should step in.
> A similar problem just emerged for me. I have a Catalog instance in the
> top-level Zope directory and the accompanying 'search' and 'report'
> methods. I've creatd a customized search interface in a subdirectory, but
> all my searches return the message that the search found nothing. If I try
> the search method in the top-level directory, then everything works fine.
> I swear this worked before, but I can't see what I changed to break it.
> -Tim
> --
> Timothy Wilson       | "The faster you  |  Check out:
> Henry Sibley H.S.    |  go, the shorter | http://slashdot.org/
> W. St. Paul, MN, USA |  you are."       | http://linux.com/
> wilson@chem.umn.edu  |       -Einstein  | http://www.mn-linux.org/
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Arnaud LECAT >> Email: lecat@hexanet.fr >> WWW page:www.hexanet.fr/~lecat

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