[Zope] Need ZCatalog help

Martijn Pieters mj@antraciet.nl
Fri, 10 Sep 1999 16:05:02 +0200

At 15:39 10/09/99 , John Goerzen wrote:
>Martijn Pieters <mj@antraciet.nl> writes:
> > At 04:26 10/09/99 , John Goerzen wrote:
> > >First.  I created a ZClass in my own Application with my Events
> > >class.  Do I need to delete it and recreate it so that it lists
> > >ClassAware as one of its meta types?
> >
> > Yes, make sure that CatalogAware is the first object in the list! This is
> > important.
>This is very strange.  It won't let me!

You can't make a new class that has CatalogAware as the first parent?

You can't change the base classes of a ZClass once it is created, at least, 
not easily. A trick can be found here:


> > If it is the first item, it'll catalog itself by default in the catalog
> > named, surprisingly, 'Catalog'. This default can be changed by calling
>How does it know where to find this catalog?

By acquisition.

> > <dtml-call "REQUEST.set('body_text', '"Martijn Pieters" and not "Martijn
> > Faassen"')">
>Exceptt that is a quoting problem there, which Zope won't like.  I've
>been wondering how to solve just a problem myself.  (The first " will
>be taken as ending the expr for call)

Yeah, I know... Such a query would normally be typed into a search 
interface anyway. And I am sure we can find a way to escape a double quote 
if you really need it, it will have an octal value too.

Martijn Pieters, Web Developer
| Antraciet http://www.antraciet.nl
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