[Zope] another "issue.1999.01"-Problem
Kevin Dangoor
Sat, 11 Sep 1999 12:07:12 -0400
-----Original Message-----
From: Tom Schwaller <Tom.Schwaller@linux-magazin.de>
To: zope@zope.org <zope@zope.org>
Date: Saturday, September 11, 1999 11:56 AM
Subject: [Zope] another "issue.1999.01"-Problem
>well, here another problem I'm fighting with:
><dtml-with "_.getattr(_.getattr(issue, '1998'), '01')"> or
><dtml-with issue><dtml-with 1998><dtml-with 01>
>works perfect, but now I want to get the string Wo="issue.1998.01"
>from an input-field and go to the corresponding subfolder (always
>begining from the top)
><dtml-in "_.string.split(Wo, '/')">
should this be <dtml-in "_.string.split(Wo, '.')">?
><dtml-if sequence-start>
><dtml-call "REQUEST.set('Wo', _.getattr(PARENTS[-1], sequence-item))">
sequence-item is not legal in python expressions... you need to use
<dtml-call "REQUEST.set('Wo', _.getattr(PARENTS[-1], _['sequence-item']))">
><dtml-call "REQUEST.set('Wo', _.getattr(Wo, sequence-item))">
same as above here...