[Zope] strange bug with mail&redirection
Joerg Wittenberger
Joerg Wittenberger <Joerg.Wittenberger@pobox.com>
Tue, 14 Sep 1999 21:52:25 +0200 (CEST)
Hello folks,
I've got a code snippet, which seems to reveal at least one bug:
I have a dtml method, which receives a form input and either a) tries
to transfers control to another method, if it's there or b) changes
some properties and redirects to another form:
<dtml-var "_['t' + `status` + 'to' + `REQUEST.form['status']`]">
<dtml-call "propertysheets.manage_changeProperties(REQUEST)">
<dtml-call "RESPONSE.redirect(URL1 + '/edit')">
now I have another dtml method "t5to6", which sends some mail and
shares the rest of the operation:
<!--#sendmail smtphost="localhost" -->
To: jerry@localhost
From: Transition
Subject: STATUS: <dtml-var title> <dtml-var number> 5 -> 6
<dtml-call "propertysheets.manage_changeProperties(REQUEST)">
<dtml-call "RESPONSE.redirect(URL1 + '/edit')">
Problem I (less hard):
Sometimes all I do is edit the "t5to6", after that I get the message
"AttributeError" __call__. I can solve that by deleting and
recreating the dtml method.
Problem II (real part):
The method sends mail at most one time, but most of the time I see an
error "Invalid Header 0:" from DTMLMethod.py line 398.
I don't get that error when I either don't redirect or don't send
mail. (Using mailhost instead of smtphost won't help.)
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