[Zope] zGold

Tony McDonald tony.mcdonald@ncl.ac.uk
Wed, 15 Sep 1999 10:00:02 +0100

At 10:30 pm +0100 14/9/99, Phil Harris wrote:
>I just checked my logs and 45 separate peole have downloaded zGold, wow
>I didn't know it was that good, 8¬)
>See ya

Why are you surprised? It *is* that good :)

As someone who was at the conference last week, where we used Phils' 
software to get attendees to create their own pages as well as 
setting up a threaded discussion list (Confera), I remember one quote 
after showing a person how to create a Confera discussion and 
populate it with a thread or two...

"Do you know how long I've been trying to do this in FrontPage!?"

I tell yer, her eyes bugged out, then she became one angry woman...I 
guess she resented all that time wasted.

Score one up for Zope.

Dr Tony McDonald,  FMCC, Networked Learning Environments Project 
The Medical School, Newcastle University Tel: +44 191 222 5888
Fingerprint: 3450 876D FA41 B926 D3DD  F8C3 F2D0 C3B9 8B38 18A2