[Zope] ZClass Problems

Jay, Dylan djay@lucent.com
Thu, 16 Sep 1999 16:37:54 +1000

I can't seem to create a default view of my ZClass. I create a document
called "index_html". In this I refer to both standard_html_header and
standard_html_footer. Both of these have problems when I try render an
instance of my class. One gives an authentication error when trying to
access "id". The other gives

 Error type:  AttributeError
 Error value: __call__

Traceback (innermost last):
  File D:\PROGRA~1\PROVIS~1\lib\python\ZPublisher\Publish.py, line 214, in
  File D:\PROGRA~1\PROVIS~1\lib\python\ZPublisher\Publish.py, line 179, in
  File D:\PROGRA~1\PROVIS~1\lib\python\Zope\__init__.py, line 201, in
    (Object: CatalogAware)
  File D:\PROGRA~1\PROVIS~1\lib\python\ZPublisher\Publish.py, line 165, in
  File D:\PROGRA~1\PROVIS~1\lib\python\ZPublisher\mapply.py, line 160, in
    (Object: index_html)
  File D:\PROGRA~1\PROVIS~1\lib\python\ZPublisher\Publish.py, line 102, in
    (Object: index_html)
  File D:\PROGRA~1\PROVIS~1\lib\python\OFS\DTMLDocument.py, line 166, in
    (Object: index_html)
  File D:\PROGRA~1\PROVIS~1\lib\python\DocumentTemplate\DT_String.py, line
502, in __call__
    (Object: index_html)
  File D:\PROGRA~1\PROVIS~1\lib\python\OFS\DTMLMethod.py, line 141, in
    (Object: standard_html_header)
  File D:\PROGRA~1\PROVIS~1\lib\python\DocumentTemplate\DT_String.py, line
502, in __call__
    (Object: standard_html_header)
  File D:\PROGRA~1\PROVIS~1\lib\python\DocumentTemplate\DT_With.py, line
148, in render
    (Object: news.news_items)
  File D:\PROGRA~1\PROVIS~1\lib\python\OFS\DTMLMethod.py, line 141, in
    (Object: ViewNewsItems)
  File D:\PROGRA~1\PROVIS~1\lib\python\DocumentTemplate\DT_String.py, line
502, in __call__
    (Object: ViewNewsItems)
  File D:\PROGRA~1\PROVIS~1\lib\python\DocumentTemplate\DT_With.py, line
132, in render
    (Object: news_items)
AttributeError: (see above)

These methods have no problem with other documents. Is there something I'm
doing wrong?

Also, how do I change the manage screen for a property sheet. It gives me a
default view but what if I want to change it?