[Zope] Cacheing
Peter Sabaini
Thu, 16 Sep 1999 14:53:46 +0200 (CEST)
On Tue, 14 Sep 1999, Jason Jones wrote:
:> :These might be dumb questions, but like I said I don't know that much
:> :squid. I understand that it is a proxy server, but it doesn't have any
:> :integration does it?
:> you could set a cache control header to "must-revalidate".
:> a caching proxy then would check back with an "If-Modified-Since"
:> request to see if the object was modified since the last request.
:> zope / apache would have to provide "Last-Modified" headers in
:> order to make this work.
:> <- snip ->
:Thanks for the info, it was a good read. Unfortunately the cache_docs you
:mention state that the best way to cache dynamic content is to dump it to a
:static file. That's exactly what I'm trying to avoid.
traditionally, yes ;)
:The second suggestion
:is to set an age related header. For the most part this will work well
:enough for me, but it's not an ideal solution. I really would like the
:if-Modified-since type of thing, but for that I would need to generate the
:validators and then test from zope when a request comes in and respond
:appropriately, which would mean dtml executing for each validation (I
i would like zope to generate these headers which is possible i
believe :)
there are pros and cons to building a cache into zope and leaving
caching to some external site (and they arent mutually exclusive).
one of the pros for external caching is that this would also work
for all kinds of proxies and browser caches.
peter sabaini, mailto: c c c p@oeh.tu-graz.ac.at,
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