[Zope] Zope2.0.0 final - hung.
Tony McDonald
Thu, 16 Sep 1999 13:57:24 +0100
I have a weird one here.
I've been using Zope 2.0.0 final, binary release, Solaris 5.6 since
it came out. It's been fine.
Now it's hung. 'top' shows (my username only)
load averages: 0.03, 0.07, 0.11
297 processes: 296 sleeping, 1 on cpu
CPU states: 97.1% idle, 0.0% user, 0.8% kernel, 2.0% iowait, 0.0% swap
Memory: 512M real, 8712K free, 739M swap in use, 813M swap free
6508 nnle 1 18 0 2024K 1488K cpu/2 0:00 0.27% top
5586 nnle 1 23 0 2072K 1848K sleep 0:00 0.01% tcsh
2377 nnle 7 33 0 11M 8696K sleep 2:27 0.00% python
2390 nnle 1 33 0 2680K 1872K sleep 0:02 0.00% mysql
2376 nnle 4 16 0 4296K 1200K sleep 0:00 0.00% python
6203 nnle 1 23 0 2064K 1816K sleep 0:00 0.00% tcsh
17 nnle 1 23 0 1960K 1328K sleep 0:00 0.00% tcsh
6434 nnle 1 34 0 2664K 2192K sleep 0:00 0.00% lynx
ie Python isn't taking up large amounts of CPU. I've tried connecting
to the server using Lynx etc. and no joy. The FTP server on port 8021
is also not responding.
I haven't *as yet* killed the processes and started new ones, as I'd
*really* like to know what it is I've done.
The only thing I've done is to use the binary release of python to do
some MySQL work. I haven't installed Andy Dustmans' MySQLdb-0.1.0
yet. I used the same python installation that the Zope server is
using. Is it possible I've done something to the 'interpreter lock'
or somesuch...
If the outcome is that I should leave the Zope python binary well
alone whilst Zope is running - then that is completely icebox with me.
I hate to say this, but .... help!.
Dr Tony McDonald, FMCC, Networked Learning Environments Project
The Medical School, Newcastle University Tel: +44 191 222 5888
Fingerprint: 3450 876D FA41 B926 D3DD F8C3 F2D0 C3B9 8B38 18A2