[Zope] Zope2.0.0 final - hung.
Tony McDonald
Thu, 16 Sep 1999 16:15:01 +0100
At 3:36 pm +0100 16/9/99, Robin Becker wrote:
>Are both pythons hung? Were you interfering with a db that the Zope has
>open or somesuch? Have you tried the monitor_client.py inside
>ZServer/medusa? I run lots of things beside my win32 Zope and haven't
>locked up Zope2+CVS as yet. Running other python processes shouldn't do
>anything nasty. I assume that the binary python is 1.5.2 my RH6.0 came
>with 1.5.1, but I replaced it.
Thanks for theReply Robin,
Here's more of the story;
I couldn't figure out how to test whether 'both' pythons were hung. I
found that I could log into the medusa FTP server easily, but once I
did a 'dir' nothing came back. I killed the processes and restarted
Zope (./start) again (top shows two python processes running).
It's possible that I was tinkering with a database that Zope was
using, and (as I was doing MySQL stuff with my Python scripts) I
presume I was using the same python MySQL library. I'll have a look
at Andy Dustmans' new patch to ZMySQLDA and see if I can figure
around that.
I didn't try the monitor_client.py voodoo (I don't understand how to
use it correctly).
This is the only time that Zope 2 has locked up on my Solaris box, on
my LinuxPPC box at home, it's happened a few times (this is with
Solaris 2.0.0 binary release, Python 1.5.2 and 2.0.0 source release,
Python 1.5.2 respectively).
Dr Tony McDonald, FMCC, Networked Learning Environments Project
The Medical School, Newcastle University Tel: +44 191 222 5888
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