[Zope] Commercial products...
Sun, 19 Sep 1999 18:36:37 +0200 (CEST)
> Or, take a different view, I've just come up to the definition what ZEO is
> just by mistake. (If I remember right, I've found it in the programming
> manuals.)
> Not a good thing, or perhaps you are not interested in providing
> commercial packages trough other companies.
i think people keep on forgetting that digital creations is
a company with limited resources when it comes to:
1. developing documentation
2. zope core development
3. ptk
4. commercial software development
i'm sure that when commercial zope product offerings become
availible digital creations will announce them. whatever
they decide to do i'm sure they will properly test their
code and write excellent documentation.
i applaud d.c.'s current decision not to announce yet-
another-another-cool-new-zope-feature or add-on and instead
focus on the creating excellent documentation for what's
already there. we have shown zope to a lot of companies in
the last few months and the complaints we got most from
these companies was lack of documentation. thanks to
d.c. and all the volunteers in the community these
complaints should soon be history.
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