[Zope] SOAP and Zope
Martijn Pieters
Tue, 21 Sep 1999 17:18:29 +0200
At 16:45 21/09/99 , Michel Pelletier wrote:
>I can't see how it would be much harder than adding XML-RPC support,
>which was done by Eric Kidd. My only shots at the 'spec' were the
>ambiguous use of terms, but it seems I got no reply. If that is the
>kind of material that gets turned into RFCs these days then I wonder
>where to compatability across platforms is going to suffer.
I agree with the issues you raised, but there seems to be no one place to
discuss the RFC. Microsoft lists an email address as well:
Or contact the author of the document:
G. Kavivaya <gopalk@microsoft.com>
Or try the forum at DevelopMentor:
Martijn Pieters, Web Developer
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