[Zope] Objet : Re: [Zope] Install problem with Zope2.0.1
Francois-Regis CHALAOUX
Thu, 23 Sep 1999 11:51:59 +0100
Hi and thank Anthony,
The problem
I'm interesting to install Zope-2.0.1 ( www.zope.org )
it is a production machine (Intel RH5.2 + Python-1.5.1.rpm from RH5.2 )
Thus, to minimize installation and tests I tried to install the Linux binary version of Zope-2.0.1 which
contents a Python 1.5.2 version. Some days before I did it on RH6.0 and
it worked fine. But today it does not work :(
During the installation and startup ( with zserver ) of
Zope-2.0.1 i obtain the following messages ( see 'Install error' and 'Error at startup' below).
I also tested the python install coming with Zope-2.0.1 ( see message 'Test of python' ).
I also tested the python install coming with Zope-2.0.1 with setting the PYTHONHOME ='/opt/digicool/zope/Zope2' ( see message 'Test of python with PYTHONHOME='/opt/digicool/zope/Zope2' ).
Is the python coming with zope-2.0.1 works ont RH5.2 or should I configure other things?
If not, what's the best to upgrade from the standard Python1.5.1 rpm version
to a Python1.5.2.rpm with threads for RH5.2.
Bye, FR.
Install error
[root@srnoix Zope2]# ./install
Built-in exception class not found: EnvironmentError. Library mismatch?
Warning! Falling back to string-based exceptions
Compiling python modules
creating default access file
The super user name and password are 'superuser'
and 'UWHI16bP'.
You can change the superuser name and password with the
zpasswd script. To find out more, type:
/opt/digicool/zope/Zope2/bin/python zpasswd.py
chmod 0600 /opt/digicool/zope/Zope2/access
chmod 0711 /opt/digicool/zope/Zope2/var
creating default database
chmod 0600 /opt/digicool/zope/Zope2/var/Data.fs
Writing the pcgi resource file (ie cgi script),
chmod 0711 /opt/digicool/zope/Zope2/Zope.cgi
Creating start script, start
chmod 0711 /opt/digicool/zope/Zope2/start
Creating stop script, stop
chmod 0711 /opt/digicool/zope/Zope2/stop
Error at startup
[root@srnoix Zope2]# ./start
Built-in exception class not found: EnvironmentError. Library mismatch?
Warning! Falling back to string-based exceptions
Traceback (innermost last):
File "/opt/digicool/zope/Zope2/z2.py", line 366, in ?
import ZServer
File "/opt/digicool/zope/Zope2/ZServer/__init__.py", line 123, in ?
from HTTPServer import zhttp_server, zhttp_handler
File "/opt/digicool/zope/Zope2/ZServer/HTTPServer.py", line 115, in ?
from PubCore import handle
File "/opt/digicool/zope/Zope2/ZServer/PubCore/__init__.py", line 86,
in ?
import ZRendezvous
File "/opt/digicool/zope/Zope2/ZServer/PubCore/ZRendezvous.py", line
87, in ?
from ZServerPublisher import ZServerPublisher
File "/opt/digicool/zope/Zope2/ZServer/PubCore/ZServerPublisher.py",
line 85, in ?
from ZPublisher import publish_module
File "/opt/digicool/zope/Zope2/lib/python/ZPublisher/__init__.py",
line 87, in ?
from Publish import publish_module, Retry
File "/opt/digicool/zope/Zope2/lib/python/ZPublisher/Publish.py", line
97, in ?
class Retry(Exception):
TypeError: base is not a class object
Test of python
[root@srnoix bin]# ./python
Could not find platform independent libraries <prefix>
Could not find platform dependent libraries <exec_prefix>
Consider setting $PYTHONHOME to <prefix>[:<exec_prefix>]
Built-in exception class not found: EnvironmentError. Library mismatch?
Warning! Falling back to string-based exceptions
Python 1.5.2 (#1, Apr 14 1999, 10:34:26) [GCC] on linux2
Copyright 1991-1995 Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam
Test of python with PYTHONHOME='/opt/digicool/zope/Zope2'
[root@srnoix bin]# ./python
Built-in exception class not found: EnvironmentError. Library mismatch?
Warning! Falling back to string-based exceptions
Python 1.5.2 (#1, Apr 14 1999, 10:34:26) [GCC] on linux2
Copyright 1991-1995 Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam
>>> Anthony Baxter <anthony@interlink.com.au> 23/09/99 02:49:25 >>>
>>> Francois Chalaoux wrote
> Hi,
> I was so happy to install in production a Zope2. It works superfine with
> Zserver on my PC and RH6.0 .
> when I tried to install Zope2 on my production machine ( My config is PC
> i686, RH5.2) I got the following error :
It looks like the python install on your production machine is either
insane, or old. Make sure you are using Python 1.5.2 on both.