[Zope] Newbie _still_ unable MySQL connection string on NT

David Robson robson555@yahoo.com
Thu, 23 Sep 1999 11:23:18 -0700 (PDT)

Jens Vagelpohl and Tony McDonald kindly contributed
the correct answer to my connection string question.
Tony summarized it as…

>> MySQL@SERV3 UserName UserPW

> this should work if the database you 
> want to use is called MySQL 

Apparently I have a deeper problem. At the very least
I’m foundering in terminology. Is this matrix correct
re database terms?

Item                          Correct term        
Commonly-used term

Database application           MySQL              

Data file                      MyFileName         

Table                          MyTableName        

So…I should use a connection string like the
following, right?
MyFileName@SERV3 UserName UserPW

But, working remotely, I haven’t created a database
file so MyFileName doesn’t exist and, of course Z SQL
Method won’t permit creating a database file or table
without a connection. I’m missing something basic

I tried connecting to an existing sample MySQL file  
function.tst  with no luck.


Should the path be represented in the db filename…as:
   C:\mysql\examples\tests\function.tst@SERV3 UserName

MySQL is running as an NT Service. Must I additionally
activate a MySQL Server on port 3306?

Confused in NTland…



David Robson            robson555@yahoo.com
Computer Support        Towson High School, MD, USA

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