[Zope] Passing variables to a DTML method ...
Martijn Pieters
Thu, 23 Sep 1999 21:22:54 +0200
At 17:41 23-9-99 , Michel Pelletier wrote:
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Darran Edmundson [mailto:Darran.Edmundson@anu.edu.au]
> > Sent: Thursday, September 23, 1999 11:03 AM
> > To: zope@zope.org
> > Subject: [Zope] Passing variables to a DTML method ...
> >
> >
> >
> > Could someone explain how to pass variables to a
> > DTML method? For example, if I have the following
> > in a DTML method:
> >
> > <dtml-call "REQUEST.set('testvar', 'value')">
> > <dtml-var "calledmethod(REQUEST)">
>Due to some hysterical, I mean historical reasons you cannot simply
>"call" a DTML Method unless you pass in a few things.
>A DTML object needs a context in which to render itself. This context
>can be passed in one of three ways, as a 'client' object, a 'REQUEST'
>mapping (any mapping) or as keyword arguments to the method. For
><dtml-var "calledmethod(_.None, _, testvar=value)">
>is one way to do what your looking for. _.None is the client (None), _
>is the current namespace stack (thus the method will render itself in
>the current context) and 'testvar=value' is a keyword argument for your
In this case, because all variables arei in the REQUEST object, you can
just do:
<dtml-var calledmethod>
Martijn Pieters, Web Developer
| Antraciet http://www.antraciet.nl
| T: +31 35 7502100 F: +31 35 7502111
| mj@antraciet.nl http://www.antraciet.nl/~mj
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