[Zope] Re: [Zope-dev] Re: [Zope] Re: [Zope-dev] RE: [Zope] Barriers
to Zope popularity: Part1:wysiwig editingwysiwig editing1:wysiwig
editingwysiwig editing
Bill Anderson
Fri, 24 Sep 1999 15:40:32 -0600
Damian Morton wrote:
> There was a discussion on slashdot a while ago about this wysiwyg html editors issue. One posting, in particular, was particularily insightfull. The poster had collected all the homepage urls from the signatures of people involved in the discussion. He then organised them roughly according to the position that person held in the wysiwig vs html debate. Admittedly its a relatively subjective evaluation, but this guy found that the posters advocating straight html editors generally had far uglier home pages than the people advocating wysiwig editors.
Was there any ranking regarding size and download speed?
For a long time I would use a wsiwyg for layout, and then fix it by
hand. The result was a faster loading page, due to a smaller size. One
example that sticks out was a particular page I took over for someone.
They had used FP98 to build it, doing nohting more than replacing it
with correct html, we chopped off 11K of useless garbage. Obviously the
page l;oaded much faster. This has been _my_ primary issue with wysiwyg
Of course, one must remember that wysiwyg means just that, what _you_
get. That does not mean it wil be what others get.
> What it comes down to is this, and its really simple: The less you have to think about _how_ youre doing something, the more time you have to think about _what_ youre doing, and so you will tend to improve your "what youre doing" skills more than your "how youre doing it" skills.
> In my mind, being 'good' at html is a huge waste of human material, especially if it comes at the expense of creativity. Only a few people are expected to be 'good' at postscript, the rest is all automated. It is a sad reflection on the backward nature of the web that being 'good' at html is seen as desireable.
If bad html results in page being twice or more the size of the same
page with good html, I'll take good any day.
My 2 bits....
"They laughed at Columbus, they laughed at Fulton, they laughed at the
Wright brothers. But they also laughed at Bozo the Clown." -- Carl