[Zope] where are you sticking site-wide methods/resources
? (too manyDTML-WITH's) DTML-WITH's)
Wed, 29 Sep 1999 23:53:12 +0800
>>><dtml-var "Imports.folder.method()">
>>One of the first things I tried as I remember. Worked OK for
>>simple methods but for more complex methods :
>>a) variables kept disappearing (which means I really don't grok
>> this acquisition business yet).
>>b) the DTML method could no longer 'import' other things.
>Try this:
><dtml-var "Imports.folder.method(_.None, _)">
>This will pass the namespace to the method, and possibly fix a & b above...
I read that line of code you wrote and smiled/laughed to myself because :
a) Just how intuitive is '_.None, _' ?
b) Where on earth do you dig all this stuff up from ? I swear you've
got different documentation from everyone else. You must live in
the source.
c) I knew it would work. After all, it's you again :)
And work it did.
You're a freaking nutter, Kevin, and thank god you're on our side :)
Thanks indeed.