[Zope] Problem using EMACS FTP to Zope

Doug McNaught doug@mcnaught.org
29 Sep 1999 13:17:32 -0400

"David C. Morrill" <dmorrill@austin.rr.com> writes:

> I have a couple of (I hope) simple problems using (Win32) EMACS ange-ftp
> support with Zope:
> 1) I want to use the '(setq efs-make-backup-files nil)' trick that's been
> mentioned previously, but being a total EMACS neophyte, I'm not sure what
> directory to put the '.emacs' file in. Can someone loan me a clue?

Not sure (never used Emacs under Windows) but be aware that under GNU
Emacs (as opposed to XEmacs) the variable to use is

> 2) If I use ange-ftp to access a Zope folder, I get a nice 'dired' listing.
> But when I select a DTML document/method to edit, I get another 'dired'
> listing containing just the selected file. If I select the file again from
> the new 'dired' list, I finally get the document I wanted, but the name is
> listed twice in the path: once as a directory, and again as the filename.
> Needless to say, this prevents me from saving the file (even if I chop off
> the extra filename, I still get errors saving the file). Anyone have any
> idea why this might be happening?

This sounds weird.  I don't see this with XEmacs and the efs package.
I'll try it with GNU Emacs (on Linux) when I get home and see if it
happens there.  If not maybe you need to install Linux.  ;)

Doug McNaught       doug@mcnaught.org     http://www.mcnaught.org/~doug