[Zope] Changing Contexts (Was: [Zope] Acquisition? Did I just lose my Zen?)

Martijn Pieters mj@antraciet.nl
Thu, 30 Sep 1999 11:04:24 +0200

At 03:29 30/09/99 , Toby Dickenson wrote:
>I had been working with Zope for six months before realising that
>acquisition did not work that way already, and I was relieved. Maybe I
>can persuade you that it would be a bad thing.....

Welcome to the club =). It took me 7, so you beat me.

>With the rules as they are, an object can always rely on acquisition
>to source its containers first. Think of an object's containers as
>part of it's implementation, and the rules feel right.
>Under the rules suggested by Martjin, acquisition would source
>attributes from an object's customers in preference to its containers
>(As Jay wrote, the place where you acquired it _to_, rather than the
>place where you acquired it _from_). I don't think you could use that
>kind of acquistion to build a robust application, because of the
>unbounded number of potential clients each object might encounter. An
>object could never really rely on what it might pick up through

Let's make one thing clear. No wait, make that two:
1/ My name is spelled Martijn. But that's obscure Dutch, so no offence 
taken =).
2/ I never suggested that the way I thought acquisition worked should be 
implemented that way. That was someone else. I adjusted my view, and solved 
my problem another way (or will, because I haven't had the time to 
implement it yet).

In other words, I reached yet another level of Zen.

>If you need that kind of wild flexibility then IMO it is better to
>explicitly pass it from the client object as a parameter, rather than
>asking it to be acquired from the client.

In my case that would seriously mess up my code. I found another, im my 
opinion much more beautiful solution. Instead of trying to override a 
default inclusion, I now provide a framework for that inclusion, but leave 
out the default. I then pick up on those cases where a default was expected 
(old URLs), and redirect to another URL where the framework has been 
provided in the acquisition path.

Martijn Pieters, Web Developer
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