[Zope] Realization about Apache and zope

Joshua Brauer joshua@brauer.org
Thu, 30 Sep 1999 10:29:44 -0600

The behavior you describe is exactly what you are asking rewrite rules to do for you.

If you want to access zope with this URL:


you'll need to set your Zope folder (containing Zope.cgi) as the cgi-bin folder for your server using script alias in your Apache httpd.conf file. Alternately you can change your rewrite rules to rewrite from something like this:

/Zope^(.*) /websites/Zope-2.0.1/Zope.cgi$1 [e=HTTP_CGI_AUTHORIZATION:


/cgi-bin/Zope.cgi^(.*) /websites/Zope-2.0.1/Zope.cgi$1 [e=HTTP_CGI_AUTHORIZATION:


At 4:19 PM +0000 9/30/99, Alwyn Schoeman wrote:

>I've had tremendous trouble getting it to work on Apache. Did the
>rewrite rules. Did the rewritelog.  Checked out the tips for beginners.
>All documents say you must go: http://localhost/cgi-bin/Zope.cgi/manage,
>but it doesn't work. Authentication fails.
>THEN just to be funny I tried http://localhost/Zope/manage and
>viola!!!!!  Why is this not somewhere in a doc or is it so stupid that
>no one is willing to write it down?
>Thank you

                                    # # #

Joshua Brauer                                         Box 915
http://www.brauer.org                          Fort Collins, CO 80522
Fax: (419) 793-4120
In flying I have learned that carelessness and overconfidence are 
usually far more dangerous than deliberately accepted risks. 
          -- Wilbur Wright in a letter to his father, September 1900 