[Zope] Way Off Topic: Zope as a Baby Name
Bill Anderson
Sun, 02 Apr 2000 15:55:16 -0600
"J. Atwood" wrote:
> Sorry, this one was just too damn funny for me to pass up.. send all
> hate mail to above address..
Hate mail? I thought it was quit interesting ...
> http://www.kabalarians.com/male/zope.htm
> Your first name of Zope has given you an expressive,
> diplomatic, and refined nature. Although you have a
> good appreciation of material values, business ability,
> and skill in organizing and managing others,
Sounds like it fits so far ....
> your success is restricted by a lack of self-confidence
> and initiative.
hmmm ... documentation is lacking.
> You have very expensive tastes,
> and your desires could well exceed your initiative in
> providing for them through your own efforts.
Hence, the Open-Sourceness ...
> Personal appearance is important to you.
> You are always well-groomed yourself, and you judge others
> by your own standard. You do not like to rough it or use much
> physical energy.
OK, so Zope doesn't like to make the process of content management a
difficult task, and likes to have clean syntax and present a smooth
appearance. So far so good.
> Through your diplomatic ways you are able to call on
> the assistance of others to avoid such matters.
...Python methods, Extensions, Python products, Apache, ROxen, RDBMs...
> You have good business judgment but lack the confidence
> to carry out your own ideas unless assisted by an associate.
> From a desire to eat too many rich foods, your health
> could suffer through kidney and generative troubles or any
> problems affecting the fluid functions of the body.
Documentation lacking due to rapid growth of featureset.
In flying I have learned that carelessness and overconfidence are
usually far more dangerous than deliberately accepted risks.
-- Wilbur Wright in a letter to his father, September 1900