[Zope] ZSQL Method (input argument)

Gergely Gulis Gergely.Gulis@eth.ericsson.se
Thu, 06 Apr 2000 14:50:04 +0200


I am new at Zope. So I have difficulties while i am building a website.

The problem:

I use the Zope's own SQL database. I'd like to insert datas via Web into
it. I wanna give some information with checkboxes, but as far as i know,
if i do not select a checkbox, the HHTP request do not contain the value
of the variable belongs to that checkbox.

When I am defining the SQL insert command (as a query), I have to give
the input arguments.
So if i do not check a checkbox, the ZSQL Method screams for it.

1. At first i tried to define the table with default values, Error
message No 1.

2. Then I tried to define the variables belonging the checkboxes in the
folder as a propertiy with unchecked value,  Error Message No. 2.

I have no more idea.
How can I solve this problem?

Thanks in advance,