[Zope] Why so many problems with database adapters?

Gregor Hoffleit flight@hoffleit.de
Thu, 6 Apr 2000 22:15:29 +0200

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IMHO one every important point is the lack of an open bug tracking system
for Zope development.

The collector on classig.zope.org is next to useless and doesn't fit to Open
Source development: Apart from the fact that I never received any feedback
on things I reported there, it is something like a "black hole" for bug
reports: Resolved bugs are visible to everyone, but bug reports that are
still unclassified are invisible to the public (well, except the Subject
line), and therefore it's impossible for the community to use the collector
to verify potential bugs. This kind of system may be fine in a closed
development environment, but it won't work for open source projects.=20

I understand that you're working on replacments in Zope (and that there's a
big interest in this from the Python community as well). I think if you'd
like to improve interaction with the community, that's a very crucial point.
Maybe it would be worthwhile to look into proven alternatives like Jitterbug
or the Debian BTS.


On Thu, Apr 06, 2000 at 02:39:30PM -0400, Brian Lloyd wrote:
> Even better is for the user community to be able to participate
> in *fixing* problems (and "scratch their own itches" generally).=20
> We are very aware of the problem - resource availability at DC=20
> is currently the biggest bottleneck in getting problems resolved,=20
> getting features added, etc. And that's just with Zope itself -=20
> when you think about the multitude of various database adapters
> and other components out there, it's obvious that the more popular
> Zope becomes, the less likely it is that we could possibly keep up=20
> with it all, even throwing all of our ever-growing resources at it.
> The Answer of course is the decision that we have taken - that Zope=20
> needs to truly be developed "in the fishbowl", that we need to=20
> open the development process and provide the infrastructure required
> to allow community members to champion their own issues and remove=20
> DC as the bottleneck. People with vested interest in a component such
> as a particular DA should be able to take the lead on that component,
> have real ownership and control their own destinies.
> "Ok - that sounds great, but WHEN?" you may be reasonably saying to=20
> yourself. We made the decision some time ago that this is the way=20
> that we need to go, but the resources to make it happen are just
> now becoming available. We are even now working on figuring out the
> best way to "get there from here". The devil is, as always, in the=20
> details, and I expect to start soliciting opinions from the Zope=20
> community soon to resolve some of those devilish details and get=20
> to work on implementing the open development process.

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