[Zope] multiple inserts and MySQLDA

Jorge Magalhaes jmagalhaes@eng.uminho.pt
Thu, 06 Apr 2000 23:48:39 +0100 (WET)

Hi Zopiis:

How i can build a DTML method for making multiple inserts in MySQL db.
For example, inserting a exames scores for a class with 20 students.

My problem isn't make the sql query, but call the query for each pair
(student_id, score). 

I would like fetched the student_id and the student name from
the db. How i can do it?

I find in this newsgroup some posts about the Product MySQLDA1.4. I have
some queries for select integers and y d'ont have the related problems.
For that i have changed the type INT(2), for example, to INT

If a is defined a INT(2)

for the query SELECT a FROM T1, the result is (23L)

i make


after this modifications for the query 

SELECT a FROM T1, the result is (23)

It's Ok

Have a nice day.
| Jorge Magalhães                 Email:     jmagalhaes@eng.uminho.pt  |
| Quinta do Calvário, bloco 14    Telemóvel: 966172200                 |
| 2º Direito Trás                 Fax:       + 351 253 516007          |
| 5400 Chaves                     Phone:     + 351 276 333008          |
| Portugal                        Email:     magalhaes.jorge@netc.pt   |