[Zope] Manual AUTHENTICATED_USER (Re: [Zope] GUF: Generic User
Sun, 09 Apr 2000 13:44:36 +0900
My apologies for dragging this up from the grave but I kept
Hung Jung's trick for manually setting AUTHENTICATED_USER
by hand (see below) b/c I knew it would come in handy.
For most public websites I've worked on, anyone visiting
the site is either 'authenticated' or 'not authenticated'.
I don't want to bother with domains/roles or even using
GUF/userdb etc. I prefer to roll my own code since it
saves me time further down the line. Setting
AUTHENTICATED_USER using Hung Jung's method does what I
need quick and easy. (Much more efficient than using one
of the products in the long run).
However, I'm afraid I didn't follow the rest of the thread
after Evan's warning (were there any follow-ups?) :
> [setting AUTHENTICATED_USER by hand]
> >
> > Maybe you should make it into a HOWTO. It is really useful.
> I wouldn't recommend it; Changes in the implementation of the authentication
> machinery will break this, probably in the next release.
Are there any updates or specifics available on that ?
Will it affect stuff like UserDB and GUF too ?
> Even if that
> weren't true, this trick would be discouraged. This sort of thing is
> *really* best done at the Python level, in a Product.
Sorry to bother you but why should it be best done at the
product level if all the product does is what can be done
in one line below ? I find this manual setting very useful.
>(1) Have your own login interface, and use some session
> management product or cookies to keep track of whether
> the user has been authenticated by you.
>(2) Create additional user-defined roles at the root of
> your Zope project. (Click on the 'Security' tab of
> the root folder, and scroll to the bottom.) E.g:
> 'teacher', 'student', 'parent', etc.
>(3) Create an acl_users folder at the root of your Zope
> project. Inside the acl_users folder, add new generic
> users. E.g: 'GenericTeacher', 'GenericStudent',
> 'GenericParent'. Assign non-trivial passwords to them,
> of course.
>(4) In your standard_html_header or equivalent, you then
> check against your cookies or session data. If the
> user is a teacher, then call:
> acl_users.getUser('GenericTeacher'))">
>Voila! Now you can use Zope's security settings to prevent
>people from accessing given folders.
>Hung Jung
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