[Zope] newbie: Opera, changing users, Windows, etiquette, active tutorial
Jerry McRae
Wed, 12 Apr 2000 12:21:51 -0700
1. Opera: Is anyone using the better browser, Opera, with Zope sites? I
(currently) run only on Win98. (see below)
2. Users: Is it just me, or would other people wish to change a user's
role, without the *requirement* of also changing the password in acl_users
2.1. I click on the users name, highlight a role, press (or click)
"change", I always get: "Password and confirmation must be specified". I
don't want to change the user's password, I just want to change the user's
role. What's the answer?
3. Living under Windows: I installed 2.1.2, ran through the tutorials,
created some cool things, then went back to my "real" work for a week. In
that time I installed some new software (including Opera and ZoneAlarm that
deal with communication). Then Zope is broke. I can get the initial
screen, but when I click on Manage, the server falls over and dies with a
*real* long message string starting:
ERROR(200) ZServer uncaptured python exception,
.....ending with
File "C:\Program Files\Zope212\ZServer\medusa\logger.py", line 65, in
IOError: [Errno 9] Bad file descriptor
3.1. I "solved" this by installing 2.1.6 in a different directory.
3.2. I have no idea what to do without re-installing.
3.3. I would like to retrieve the information and site I placed in the old
4. Etiquette: I search in this list, in ZOPE.ORG, ZopeNewbie, Squishdot,
and other general searches, spending many hours trying to find the answers
to these. Am I searching the correct places? I am receptive to corrections
in my message etiquette. I.E. is this too long? Should I create separate
5. After learning about Zope at the recent Python conference, I decided
that it is what I want to learn to jump into the 'web application' world.
I'm having trouble finding the answers I need, and filtering all the 'stuff'
I don't understand (yet) from the mailing list. I comment Richard Moon &
Neil Burnett for their tutorial and documentation ideas. I have two
suggestions for assisting people get more targeting information. One would
be a thought out product, and the other, just a collection of submitted
5.A. Product: "Targeted" discussions. Each user should be able to specify
any or all from different category of messages. Categories can be added in
a specific format to a message, or selected from a web page. (I have
additional ideas about people with permissions to suggest or change
submitted categories, auto-select categories, etc., but maybe I'll put that
in a Product someday)
5.A.1. Example category types: OS, about (installing, setup, integrating,
using, managing), question difficulty, or user experience level (1-5), Zope
area (Zserver, Zclasses, SQL, PTK, Doc, Python Methods, etc, etc), and maybe
ONLY one or two others. This way a ZOPE.ORG member can easily change or see
the mailing list messages they get.
5.A.2. Then you get ONLY the INITIAL messages that you might be interested
in. In order to follow the message you must reply to it. That way you
ignore the messages you wish to ignore. (That's what I call an intuitive
interface). If you wish to follow the message, reply to it. A message body
isn't necessary. The return address won't be zope@zope.org, but something
that will keep the messages together, sort of a 'mini' mailing list.
5.A.3. This sounds like a great project / product for Zope. Help me with
my next phase of financing for my company, and I'll help write (or at least
design) it!
5.B. I plan on creating a 'travelogue' of my Zope learning experience and
encourage others to do the same. If these can be found easily, they will be
a great help to Zope newbies. This would help me. I want to know how to do
Z, or add X to my page, not what tool Y does and what it's options are.
Show me how to build a house, not how to use a saw and a hammer. I will
start mine as soon as I get some financing out of the way.
<Details: >
<Zope version= 2.1.6>
<Experience with>
Web servers, mailing lists, Linux, C++, Perl: Nil
Java: Nil+1
Zope: rank beginner
Python, HTML, SQL: Low
Database & user interface design, teaching database design, the PICK
database: Very high
</Experience with>
<Platform> Win98, IE5 (until I get time to learn Linux) </Platform>
--Jerry McRae,
CEO, usd1.com, Vancouver USA