[Zope] Zope Eating Memory for Breakfast

Evan Simpson evan@digicool.com
Wed, 12 Apr 2000 20:02:10 -0400

----- Original Message -----
From: Hung Jung Lu <hungjunglu@hotmail.com>
> (5) But when I use Zope management interface to do some
> operations, like clicking on the Find tab (and then the
> Find button in that page), the memory usage jumped. I
> managed to raise the memory usage by 5 MB just by clicking
> the Find tab/button all over places and search for
> files containing a diverse text pattern.

If you Find from the root, then check memory, then Find again, does it go up
after the second Find?  I would expect it to go up after the first, since
Find walks the entire subtree loading objects into memory in order to check
them against the search condition.  The second time, they should all be in
memory (or the cache should be full) and no more growth should occur (I


Evan @ digicool & 4-am