[Zope] Socket Error (newbie)

jessica lee tishmack jlt29707@sci.tamucc.edu
Thu, 13 Apr 2000 16:57:50 -0500 (CDT)

>    Ok then... run it as root but chown nobody the var dir before.

I did...in fact, here is what I have done so far (Petru, thanks for all
your help by the way):

After I downloaded the zope source from
I did an "untar" as my user account and then in the newly created 
Zope-2.1.6-src directory, I typed the following:

"python w_pcgi.py"
"sudo chown -R nobody var chown nobody access"
"python zpasswd.py -u root -p apasswordhere access" 

"sudo cp /home/jessi/Data.fs var/"
"sudo ./start"

I had to do some of these as "sudo"...otherwise I would get the
beloved "permission denied" message.

Thanks Again,