[Zope] about ZClasses (faqs?)
Marco Mariani
Mon, 17 Apr 2000 10:36:01 +0200
Good morning!
I need to write two zclasses: one representing a photo (with several
Images of the same photo at different resolutions) and one representing
a catalogaware, objectmanager, article (with several photos of the same
object, descriptions etc.)
The photo instance should be created from an Image by a python function
and the python imaging library, much like the Photo product does.
I'd like to understand the following:
- why is it dangerous to use External Methods inside a ZC?
- what's the difference between Python Methods and External Methods?
- may I create and call zclasses from and external method? (me likes
syntaks hilite! me small screen! me want vi!)
Sorry if I bother you with questions that may have been deeply answered,
I didnt' find them in the recent archives.
May I gain zen enlightment and give back to the mail list soon.