[Zope] Phil Greenspun on ACS and ZOPE

LEE, Kwan Soo kslee@plaza1.snu.ac.kr
Fri, 28 Apr 2000 02:16:25 +0900

hi zopistas

I've ask a question to PG through Slashdot.
Here is his answer: http://slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=00/04/27/107235&mode=nocomment
(activate "Find" of your browser and type "ZOPE")

and more on ACS vs ZOPE here: http://www.photo.net/building-community/infrastructure.adp
(at the 2nd finding "ZOPE", I've not noticed this before. Did any one?)

and his list of prebuilt modules of ACS here: http://www.arsdigita.com/pages/toolkit/modules.html

I've enjoyed his writings and they definitely broadened my sight. But somewhat feel we are challenged (or are we challenging?)

This is a bit sour, especially since I see there are fundamental difference of view on the suitability of OO to the database/content-driven web application, and his has (at least some) big points.

See the "Our Data Model" section and what follows there of http://www.arsdigita.com/doc/bookmarks.html. I think even myself can implements not so difficultly what he boasts, except "the Ability to correlate your bookmarks with other users with similar interests". Yes, I know there is ZCatalog and ZSQL but his characterization of ACS and ZOPE)"ACS is the thinnest possible layer on top of Oracle and Zope has its own set of abstractions") half bought me, though the price tag of Oracle repels more, ;-)

I do not want to start a series of flames, but any thought?
Can our OO Zealot shed more illumination to the weak-faiths?

LEE Kwan Soo.