[Zope] tree plus/minus url

Ragnar Beer rbeer@uni-goettingen.de
Thu, 3 Aug 2000 15:59:04 +0200

I found quite an easy solution for Zope 2.1.6:

In lib/python/TreeDisplay/TreeTag.py you have to replace the "old 
code" with the "new code". (Blame me - I forgot to make a copy 
beforehands which keeps me from using diff.)

The idea is to "export" the piece of code that puts together the url 
to treeData['tree-item-clickurl'] so that you can access it with 
<dtml-var tree-item-clickurl> within your tree-tag. I haven't checked 
this for unwanted side effects. Perhaps someone more familiar with 
the zope code could do that? For me it works fine!


Line 372:
             # Mostly inline encode_seq for speed
             if len(s) > 57: s=encode_str(s)
                 if l >= 0: s=s[:l]
             s=translate(s, tplus)


# old code
#            if exp:
#                treeData['tree-item-expanded']=1
#                output('<A NAME="%s" HREF="%s?tree-c=%s#%s">'
#                       '<IMG SRC="%s/p_/mi" ALT="-" BORDER=0></A>' %
#                       (id, root_url, s, id, script))
#            else:
#                output('<A NAME="%s" HREF="%s?tree-e=%s#%s">'
#                       '<IMG SRC="%s/p_/pl" ALT="+" BORDER=0></A>' %
#                       (id, root_url, s, id, script))
# end of old code

# New code
             if exp:
		treeData['tree-item-clickurl']= '%s?tree-c=%s#%s' % 
(root_url, s, id)
                 output('<A NAME="%s" HREF="%s">'
                        '<IMG SRC="%s/p_/mi" ALT="-" BORDER=0></A>' %
                        (id, treeData['tree-item-clickurl'], script))
		treeData['tree-item-clickurl']= '%s?tree-e=%s#%s' % 
(root_url, s, id)
                 output('<A NAME="%s" HREF="%s">'
                        '<IMG SRC="%s/p_/pl" ALT="+" BORDER=0></A>' %
                        (id, treeData['tree-item-clickurl'], script))
# end of new code


             if level > 2:   output(_td_colspan % level)
             elif level > 0: output(_td_single  * level)

>Ragnar Beer wrote:
>>  Howdy!
>>  I've been experimenting with trees for a while and discovered that
>>  almost all innocent first time clickers were clicking on the text
>>  _behind_ the plus and minus images instead on the images themselves.
>>  So I decided to make the text a link with the same url as the image
>>  has but I can't find the right variable. Where is that url stored?
>>  Can anybody help?
>Your best bet is to look in the source for the tree tag and see how it's
>done there:
>PS: Please post back to the list if you find out how ;-)
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