[Zope] Confusing "sqlvar" error message
Dieter Maurer
Fri, 4 Aug 2000 22:25:51 +0200 (CEST)
Today, I analysed a confusing error message from "dtml-sqlvar".
SQL query template:
<dtml-sqlvar "_[name]" type=string>
reported: "missing input variable: _[name]"
Of cause, I did not expect that such an input variable should
be necessary and I suspected the DTML parser not to
see the "..." around "_[name]".
After analysis, the explanation was simple:
SQLVar.render is a bit stupid in its error handling:
if type(expr) is type(''): v=md[expr]
else: v=expr(md)
if args.has_key('optional') and args['optional']: return 'null'
raise 'Missing Input', 'Missing input variable, <em>%s</em>' % name
This error handling is only senseful for "type(expr) == type('')",
i.e. for plain variable access.
For true expressions, the original exception would be
*much* more useful.
In my case, unwrapping the "try ... except ..."
produced "KeyError: FOLLUP_UP",
an obvious type (FOLLOW_UP rather than FOLLUP_UP).
Thus, the above exception handling should become:
if args.has_key('optional') and args['optional']: return 'null'
if type(self.expr) != type(''): raise
raise 'Missing Input', 'Missing input variable, <em>%s</em>' % name
I will put it into the collector.