[Zope] Hardware minimum for development

Curtis Maloney curtis@umd.com.au
Wed, 9 Aug 2000 12:36:05 +1000

On Wed, 09 Aug 2000, Aleksander Salwa wrote:
> Now I'm developping on PC with 48 MB RAM, and it's too little for me.
> It's because I'm working on one machine - Zope, X-Window, Netscape with
> few windows open, sometimes Apache and Gimp are running together.

psssst.. here's a tip.  I used to run out of RAM all the time when developing 
in Zope via Netscape.  It's partly due to Netscape having some huge gaping 
memory leaks.

I have, however, discovered how to avoid it.  I discovered quite by accident 
one day, that if you disable JavaScript, it doesn't happen.

Just thought this might save you the cost of memory, which is prohibitive 
these days.

> I'm satisfied with my CPU - k6-2/300MHz is sufficient for me.
> I'm going to buy some memory in few next days, I think additional 32MB
> will be enough.

Have a better one,
	Curtis Maloney