[Zope] Requested Zope feature

Seb Bacon seb.bacon@razorfish.co.uk
Thu, 10 Aug 2000 09:14:11 +0100

> I am currently implementing Skinnable objects for Zope 
> that'll allow you to
> easily define an alternative version of the management 
> interface, and switch
> between these interfaces very easily. You could build your 
> own version that
> doesn't use JavaScript at all.

this is fantastic news.  as a newcomer to zope, i have found the (lack of)
distinction between the programming interface and the content management
interface troubling when designing content management interfaces for
clients.  every now and again i start creating new, simplified management
screens that fit in with the branding of the site they manage; but
eventually i find i'm duplicating the management interface and end up by
giving up and teaching clients how to use that.

is there any info on zope.org about these skinnable objects, or about this
issue in general?  how will they interface with the zope api?  have you
decided on the default skin functionality?  when can we expect to see a
release?  i'm all excited....
