[Zope] zcatalog -- returning context of hits on fulltext
Jimmie Houchin
Mon, 14 Aug 2000 09:43:23 -0500
I may be clueless and out of my league here and I haven't read the
sources so I don't know... Well enough of a disclaimer. :)
Is there anything in there which can provide the seek or byte position
of the hit within text object? If so, it shouldn't be too difficult to
read X bytes before and after the position and thereby provide what your
looking for.
This would be nice to have out of the box.
Just a thought.
Jimmie Houchin
Jean Jordaan wrote:
> Hi Geir
> > make a pythonmethod that returns the first 200 letters or
> > something of the text ,
> I've already got a pretty structured-text "Abstract" field
> that tells about the document, but I'd like to *see* the
> sentence on page 67 or wherever in a document where my
> term matches, so I know whether it's mentioned in passing
> or really important ..
> --
> jean
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