[Zope] Imagemap in an image object
Diny van Gool
Fri, 25 Aug 2000 12:03:15 +0200
At 11:36 25-8-00 +0200, Radim Gelner wrote:
>is there an easy way to add imagemapping to an image object or do I
>have to create a new class for such a purpous?
I don't know exactly what you mean by imagemapping, but if you mean the
html tag <map> then you can use something like this in your dtml-method:
<img src="image_gif" border="0" usemap="#home">
<map name="home">
<area shape="rect" coords="1,1,460,310" href="url">
DIVA, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
Utrecht University, The Netherlands