[Zope] how to keep stuff out of undo

Kapil Thangavelu kthangavelu@earthlink.net
Tue, 29 Aug 2000 15:27:40 -0700

Roman Milner wrote:
> Hi. We have a product (an mp3 jukebox) that uses the ZODB to store a large
> data structure of all the albums and track names.  Many people are
> allowed to add/remove albums from the database.  The problem is, when
> they do this the entire data structure is backed up for undo.  So, by
> the end of each day, our ZODB has grown so large we are out of disk space.
> Is is possible make something presistent but keep it from being
> backed up when it is changed?

You could use a ZODB storage that doesn't support undo's like BerkelyDB.
Or change your structure so that each albums is a persistent object as
opposed the entire set of them and then just store them in various
(nested if nesc) object managers.