[Zope] Installation and Startup
Steve Spicklemire
Sat, 2 Dec 2000 17:54:06 -0500 (EST)
Norm... 'services' is an NT concept. Just run the bat file from the
command line.
>>>>> "Norm" == Norm LaDuke <nladuke@farmer.com> writes:
Norm> I have installed Zope on a 300Mhz K6 machine with 92 Megs of
Norm> RAM running Windows 98. It seemed to install ok except that
Norm> it didn't ask if I wanted to run as a service (as the
Norm> documentation said it would). As a result I had to start
Norm> zope with start.bat. It doesn't run. Who in the world can I
Norm> talk to about this. I'd love to use the product but it's not
Norm> much use to me if there's no one I can communicate with
Norm> about problems - particularly problems like "It doesn't
Norm> run!".
Norm> Can anyone suggest a place for me to go or a
Norm> way to get answers?