[Zope] Running Zope ==> ZopeVirgins
Jason Cunliffe
Sun, 3 Dec 2000 12:47:32 -0500
I hope Norm LaDuke does take a breath and follow the advise others have
But his post does in fact seem to be a common first-time experience. So I
would like to suggest a sensible super-newbie-oriented adjustment to _all_
future Zope installations:
At installation Zope system should create a default user called 'tutorial'
or 'guest' or 'first-time' or something.
Upon launching Zope the first time after installation, user 'tutorial' would
immediately be logged in automatically and routed to the tutuorial istelf,
where the first page advises him/her to create a personal user 'Id' and
password for any further real-world use of Zope. This page should also
include a form right there to do this.
- Jason
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Norm LaDuke" <nladuke@farmer.com>
> To: <zope@zope.org>
> Sent: Sunday, December 03, 2000 1:17 AM
> Subject: [Zope] Running Zope
> | Can anyone out there tell me why anyone would use a product whose
> won't
> | even run. You guys are either INFINITELY more patient than I or you all
> have
> | WAY too much time on your hands. I'm about 7 hours into this thing and
> do
> | finally have zope up and running but of course the tutorial doesn't
> | Requires you to put in an ID then blows up and goes no further. What
> piece
> | of garbage!!!! (Does my frustration show??)