[Zope] Restart...
Cees de Groot
4 Dec 2000 20:57:32 +0100
I said:
>I'll probably start experimenting with ZEO and IDLE and a way to get
>unrestricted Python code into ZODB. Smalltalk kicks ass, and Zope is only that
>far from becoming a superset of it.
I did a quick hack that might be interesting to take a look at. I posted
it on zope-dev, here's the link:
Basically it's a quick hack to let you browse Zope's ZODB from within
IDLE. The next steps I'm thinking about is see whether tkhtml works
with Tkinter (anyone?) and if yes, open tkhtml windows as a double
click action on the DB browser tree (with communication, if possible,
through Python and not through HTTP).
I'm aware of the (stalled?) Zope-devenv-under- mozilla project. The
approach by extending IDLE seems much simpler to me, and I think Zope
really needs a decent development environment in order to move from
useful to insanely useful - I did a pilot project with Zope last week
(http://domein.worldsites.be), and while I am not unhappy with the
result as a producer, I am very unhappy with the result as a software
engineer. Zope needs an IDE and a decent versioning system (the current
CVS project is a good start, but as far as I can see it at the moment
too cumbersome to be practical), and until that time I fear I'll
have do all my work in Python (maybe with Webware, it seems decent
enough and has better support, through its single-shot adapter, for
development-time work in Python).
Cees de Groot http://www.cdegroot.com <cg@cdegroot.com>
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