[Zope] Strange Catalog problem.
Didier Georgieff
8 Dec 2000 10:44:41 +0100
I'm using a modified (french, adding programatically and new classes but
the ground features are untouched) Yihaw on 2.2.4 (linux).
I've got a strange behaviours (YihawNews boxes don't show the new items)
until i found that "old" (before upgrading to 2.2.2 + 2.2.4 update) items on
the catalog don't start with "/" and the new ones does start with "/".
Reindexing gives me the same 2 categories and change nothing.
I'm puzzled with :
* what is the "correct behaviour / or no / ?
* why reindexing doesn't homogenize the / ?
The "new" items are now added programatically and the "old" ones where
done thru Zope interface.
And sometimes i still get a "problem uncataloging before catalogging"
message on the Zope console.
Am i missing some important change ?
Thanks in advance.
Didier Georgieff
DDAF du Bas-Rhin - Cellule SIG
2, rue des Mineurs 67070 Strasbourg Cedex
tél : - fax :
email : didier.georgieff@agriculture.gouv.fr
SIT du Bas-Rhin : http://www.bas-rhin.sit.gouv.fr
GéoWeb http://sertit10.u-strasbg.fr