[Zope] API and namespace

Alexander DePauli a.depauli@depauli.com
Mon, 11 Dec 2000 12:31:46 +0100

Hi all,

so I was in error as I finally judged myself unterstanding the namespace
concept... ;)

Via a configuration interface, I want to add a folder, add some
properties for the new folder, then add and fill a dtml-document within
the new folder.
Adding the folder works fine, but then I can't change the namespace to
work with the new folder - the namespace sticks to the parent-folder and
my code stupidly tries to add the new properties and document there.

How can I switch the namespace to the new folder (<dtml-with
new_folderid> doesn't do the trick...)

My code right now looks as follows (the dtml-method is called via a

<--! add a new folder -->
<dtml-call "manage_addProduct['OFSP'].manage_addFolder 
(id=REQUEST['new_folderID'], title=REQUEST['new_folderID'])">

<dtml-with new_folderID> ...tried <dtml-with "_.namespace(folder =
new_folderID)"> as well...

<--! add some properties -->
<dtml-call "manage_addProperty(id='bestand', 
value=REQUEST['bestand'], type='int')">

<--! now add a new index_html -->
<dtml-call "manage_addDocument(id='index_html', 


Any help highly appreciated!
Cheers, Alexander
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