[Zope] Incrementing a form field
César A. K. Grossmann
Tue, 12 Dec 2000 08:32:29 -0200
Andy McKay wrote:
> You could use FSCounter to do your counting:
> http://www.zope.org/Members/andym/wiki/FSCounter.
> There is a How-To on using unique_ids:
> http://www.zope.org/Members/andym/FSCounter/unique_ids
Thanks, but I think that FSCounter cannot be used this time. The problem
is, I have several people working with the application, and all of them
have different ranges of numbers to type (e. g., while someone is
processing the records 1-200, someone is processing the records 201-400,
and another one is processing the records 1501-1800).
> In your code try explicilty using an int:
> > <dtml-call "REQUEST.set('my_number', _.int(my_number) + 1)">
I'm trying this. I have a little problem at a moment: my agent shows a
JavaScript I have in the page, instead of the page itself (it is an
intermitent error).
OK, it worked.
| César A. K. Grossmann | Capacitação Solidária |
| ckant@fazenda.gov.br | http://www.uol.com.br/umminuto/ |
| http://members.xoom.com/ckant/ | Clique e doe - é de graça |
A ética do iG: http://antispambr.abranetrj.org.br/not-20001023.html
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