[Zope] SiteAccess and Roles

The Doctor What docwhat@gerf.org
Wed, 13 Dec 2000 11:34:03 -0600

I have site access running, but I apparently don't fully grok roles.

I have a directory layout like so:


My site access rule is at:
All the site[123] directories are SiteRooted and work fine.

If I add user as manager to user_acl(1) they have essentially 'root'
access.  They can do everything.

What do I have to do to give site3 to a specific user without giving
them access to everyone else?

I tried both Owner and Manager roles in user_acl(2) but it doesn't

What am I doing wrong?


"If only you'd listened to me, I could have saved you from all that yukkiness."
		--Kryten (Red Dwarf)

The Doctor What: "What, Doctor What"             http://docwhat.gerf.org/
docwhat@gerf.org                                                   KF6VNC